it was all very typical. boy sees girl, girl sees boy. they were at a party or a concert, somewhere loud; the where and whens aren't important anymore. to be honest, a lot about that night is long forgotten, except for when he took that final swig of his drink, as if it would boost his confidence somehow, shrugged off his letter-man jacket and made his way over to the girl with big hair & big eyes in a cotton dress and black tights. she looked up at him & smiled and it warmed every inch of his soul, made him crave more. if just her smile has me shaking, he thought. they made their way to somewhere quiet, "to talk" he said. but, the funny thing was, he couldn't think of anything to say when he finally got her alone. he could only stare at the scattered freckles on her nose, the chocolate curls framing her soft face, the fierceness in her eyes as she stole glances at him. she didn't look him in the eye, somehow always alluding his gaze. eventually she piped up.
"i like your shirt", she said. he looked down and smirked.
"yea? i like it too", he says. he liked it more now that she did.
"i like your shirt", she said. he looked down and smirked.
"yea? i like it too", he says. he liked it more now that she did.
so, guess i should warn you," she says. "i'm not your typical girl."
"and who said i'm your typical boy?"
from there on, it was easy. the words flowed and he got to look into those magnificent eyes of hers, like windows looking out onto a world he'd never understand. in those timeless moments, he realized he was falling in love. falling, head first, stumbling over all logic, in love with a girl, a person he had never met before, had never spoken to before tonight. would life ever be the same? was this what love did? did he even believe in love before seeing her lips curl into a smile? hearing her obnoxiously adorable laugh? he didn't know and he didn't care.
"one last question, before we go", he asks.
"and what would that be?"
"give me something to walk away with, what's your take on tonight?", he says.
she let out a devilish laugh, and with a shrug of the shoulders, said, "you tell me." and with that, she kissed him, gently on the cheek and softly whispered in his ear, "see ya around." and then she skipped, yea she literally skipped, right out of that room or car or wherever they were. and that boy sat watching her go, head reeling, before he came to his senses and ran right out after her.
"and who said i'm your typical boy?"
from there on, it was easy. the words flowed and he got to look into those magnificent eyes of hers, like windows looking out onto a world he'd never understand. in those timeless moments, he realized he was falling in love. falling, head first, stumbling over all logic, in love with a girl, a person he had never met before, had never spoken to before tonight. would life ever be the same? was this what love did? did he even believe in love before seeing her lips curl into a smile? hearing her obnoxiously adorable laugh? he didn't know and he didn't care.
"one last question, before we go", he asks.
"and what would that be?"
"give me something to walk away with, what's your take on tonight?", he says.
she let out a devilish laugh, and with a shrug of the shoulders, said, "you tell me." and with that, she kissed him, gently on the cheek and softly whispered in his ear, "see ya around." and then she skipped, yea she literally skipped, right out of that room or car or wherever they were. and that boy sat watching her go, head reeling, before he came to his senses and ran right out after her.
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